On 11/30/21 13:10, Michael Ivanov wrote:
On my system (debian unstable, podman 3.4.2) /etc/resolv.conf is a symlink
to /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf. When I try to run a container in pod
I get the following errors:
ERRO[0000] error loading cached network config: network "tstnet" not found
in CNI cache
WARN[0000] falling back to loading from existing plugins on disk
ERRO[0000] error starting some container dependencies
ERRO[0000] "error configuring network namespace for container
69ea2ee04b143c908ae5b7bcc4b3404fc7c7d3467fc8e11caf50a36eda76ec8a: error adding pod
tst_tst to CNI network \"tstnet\": dnsname
error: dnsmasq failed with \"\\ndnsmasq: directory /etc/resolv.conf for resolv-file
is missing, cannot poll\\n\": exit status 5"
Error: error starting some containers: internal libpod error
Container is started using the following commands:
podman network create tstnet
podman pod create --name tst --hostname tst --network tstnet --publish 1521:1521
podman run --pod tst --name dummy alpine
When I replace /etc/resolv.conf with a regular file (just remove it
and copy /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf into /etc/resolv.conf),
the above commands complete without errors.
Seems like a bug. /etc/resolv.conf is a symlink on my machine and I
don't see this issue.
ls /etc/resolv.conf -l
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 39 Oct 9 06:11 /etc/resolv.conf ->
Those commnds work fine here. Fedora 34.
Is this a bug or do I miss sthing?
Best regards,