shouldn't the current directory be the default context for "podman build"?
by Robert P. J. Day
"man podman-build" suggests that the context argument is optional:
podman build [options] [context]
podman image build [options] [context]
If no context directory is specified, then Podman will assume
the current working directory as the build context, which
should contain the Containerfile.
but if i have a directory with nothing but a Containerfile, i get:
$ podman build
Error: no context directory specified, and no containerfile specified
OTOH, specifying context of current directory:
$ podman build .
STEP 1: FROM alpine:latest
... etc etc ...
3 months, 2 weeks
RunRoot & mistaken IDs
by lejeczek
Hi guys.
I experience this:
-> $ podman images
WARN[0000] RunRoot is pointing to a path
(/run/user/1007/containers) which is not writable. Most
likely podman will fail.
Error: creating events dirs: mkdir /run/user/1007:
permission denied
-> $ id
uid=2001(podmania) gid=2001(podmania) groups=2001(podmania)
I think it might have something to do with the fact that I
changed UID for the user, but why would this be?
How troubleshoot & fix it, ideally without system reboot?
many thanks, L.
1 year, 2 months
How to build image for own jar file
by Thomas
I have successfully build docker image "sapmachine", a build of OpenJDK.
Now I want to build my own image to run my own jar file.
This jar file is located in ~/.mpw-gui/masterpassword-gui.jar, and with
locally installed OpenJDK I would run this command: java -jar
Could you please advise how to build my own image for this java application?
1 year, 3 months
fs.mqueue.msg_max rootless problem
by Михаил Иванов
Is it possible to get podman to propagate current host fs.mqueue.msg_max
value to rootless container? I can do that if I specify --ipc host when
running the container, but this also exposes other ipc stuff from host
to container, including shared memory, which I do not want.
If I specify --sysctl fs.mqueue.msg_size=64 to podman it gives me
"OCI permission denied" error, even when my host setting (256) is greater
than requested value.
Micvhael Ivanov
1 year, 4 months
Podman v4.8.0 Released!
by Ashley Cui
We’re excited to announce that Podman v4.8.0 has been released! This
release includes over 20 features and over 20 bugfixes each. Some
highlights include:
- *HyperV Support*: Podman machine now supports HyperV as a provider on
- *Heredoc Support*: Containerfiles that contain heredoc syntax can now
be built using podman build.
- *SQLite*: Podman now defaults to SQLite as its database backend. But
don’t worry! If you are still currently using BoltDB, podman will continue
to use Bolt, unless you choose to manually use SQLite
For a full list of changes, see our GitHub release
<> page. Big thanks
to our contributors and community! Try it out and let us know what you
*Upcoming Deprecation Notices*: We are beginning development on Podman 5.0,
which will include a bunch of new features, but also a number of breaking
changes and deprecations. We are still finalizing what will be done, but a
preliminary list is below. Please note that none of these changes are
present in Podman 4.8; this is a preview of upcoming changes.
- Podman 5.0 will deprecate the BoltDB database backend. Exact details
on the transition to SQLite are still being decided – expect more news here
- The containers.conf configuration file will be broken up into multiple
separate files, ensuring that it will never be rewritten by Podman.
- Support for the CNI network backend and Cgroups V1 are being
deprecated and gated by build tags. They will not be enabled in Podman
builds by default.
- A variety of small breaking changes to the REST API are planned, both
to improve Docker compatibility and to better support containers.conf
settings when creating and managing containers.
1 year, 4 months
mqueue msg_max in rootless container
by Michael Ivanov
I'm trying to run my application in podman rootless container and I stumble
on following problem: my program needs /proc/sys/fs/mqueue/msg_max to be at
least 256, but in running container this value is just 10. When I try to
specify this parameter while running the image (--sysctl 'fs.mqueue.msg_max=256')
I get the following error:
Error: open /proc/sys/fs/mqueue/msg_max: Permission denied: OCI permission denied
and container is not created.
My host where container is being run has this parameter set to 256. How can I
expose current host setting for msg_max to my container?
Best regards,
\ / | |
(OvO) | Михаил Иванов |
(^^^) | |
\^/ | E-mail: ivans(a) |
^ ^ | |
1 year, 4 months
Nov/Dec Cabal meetings combined to Tuesday December 12, 2023, 11:00 a.m. EST (UTC-5)
by Tom Sweeney
Hi All,
Two for one deal! We currently have no topics for tomorrow's (November
21) Podman Community Cabal meeting, and we have been receiving several
notes from people saying they will not be attending due to holiday
plans. We suspect similar issues will occur at the next meeting, which
is scheduled for Wednesday, December 19, 2023.
Given that, we have decided to drop tomorrow's meeting and combine the
November and December Podman Community Cabal meetings, which will be
held on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. EST (UTC-5).
1 year, 4 months
Podman v4.8-RC1
by Ashley Cui
Hi all,
A new pre-release, Podman v4.8.0-rc1 is now available.
This includes a bunch of new features, including the HyperV provider for
Podman machine. The release also includes over 20 bugfixes.
Check out the pre-release page, let us know how we're doing, and stay tuned
for the full release.
Ashley Cui
1 year, 4 months