by Lou DeGenaro
I made a change to storage.conf as follows:
graphroot = "/tmp/degenaro/.local/share/containers/storage"
Yet, when I run podman info:
GraphRoot: /tmp/podman/degenaro/.local/share/containers/storage
Why does the string /podman still appear in GraphRoot?
5 years, 6 months
Restart bash during a build
Hi all
One of the containers I'm trying to build has a component that requires restarting the current she'll to continue. I've seen other suggestions via Google but haven't had any success. Would be grateful if any one could comment.
Thank you
5 years, 6 months
linking of containers
by Filak, Jakub
Do you plan to add `--link` to`podman run`?
5 years, 6 months
Re: linking of containers
by Filak, Jakub
I probably misused podman. I do not use it for creating pods. I use podman as a substitute for Docker.
I want to build a GitHub Pull Requst builder for ABAP projects. I want to start a fresh container for every
build. Every new container gets its own IP - (not as Docker which starts with My host is RHEL
with not so recent Node which I need to run some ABAP transformations, thus I use another container
with the most recent Node and Python. The tools container must know hostname or IP of the ABAP system
container because ABAP systems are reachable only via TCP. (I cannot rely on the fact that IPs are assigned
sequentially from ...)
I wanted to use `run --link` but it is not supported at all.
I thought I can use `run --net` to share Network NS with the ABAP system but it seems that `--net` has different
semantics than Docker's `--net`.
Eventually I use IP=$(podman inspect --format {{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }} abap) and `podman run --add-host abap:$IP ...`
It so not so convenient but it works for me.
From: Matt Heon
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2019 18:54
To: Filak, Jakub
Cc: podman(a)
Subject: Re: [Podman] linking of containers
On 2019-09-23 16:07, Filak, Jakub wrote:
>Do you plan to add `--link` to`podman run`?
>Podman mailing list -- podman(a)
>To unsubscribe send an email to podman-leave(a)
No, we don't presently have plans to add `--link` support. We prefer
pods for allowing inter-container communication.
If you have a use-case for which pods don't work, we'd be interested
in hearing about it.
Matt Heon
5 years, 6 months
name resolution between containers
by Brent Baude
There is a proof of concept available now that can allow name
resolution between containers on the same network. The enablement is
done by a CNI plugin and dnsmasq.
I have added a tutorial on how to try this out in .
You need to be using the latest upstream Podman code as well until 1.6
is officially released.
5 years, 6 months
proper way to detect running inside a container?
by Robert P. J. Day
dropped into existing project, where all Makefiles do the following
test to see if they're running inside docker:
ifneq ($(wildcard /.dockerenv),)
i'm pretty sure that's just asking for trouble, and i've perused a
github issue related to that:
so what is the *proper* way to detect if one is running inside a
container? the way that seems most reliable is to check /proc/1/sched.
5 years, 6 months
Containerfile in addition to Dockerfiles for building container images
by Aric Renzo
Hello Everyone,
I am fairly new the Podman community. My name is Aric Renzo and I am a
DevOps engineer based on Charlotte NC. I have a passion for container
technology and even wrote a book on the now semi-defunct Ansible Container
project. I've been watching Podman, CRI-O, and Open Container Initiative
projects for quite some time and I am quite impressed with Podman and
Buildah providing a fantastic interface for launching Kubernetes style pods
and managing them almost exactly like traditional Docker. The community
has done an absolutely wonderful job in shifting the mindsets of developers
and engineers away from "Docker containers" and "Docker images" towards a
more general, platform agnostic, "containers" and "container images".
Especially since Docker simply builds and runs OCI container images.
I am writing this email in regards to an issue I opened up on the Buildah
repo yesterday: .
Essentially, my idea is that if we keep using "Dockerfiles" and
"docker-compose.yml" files to build and test images, it will continue to be
an uphill battle to shift perception away from Docker being the
be-all-end-all of containers. After all, why would someone want to use
Podman to build their Dockerfiles, or CRI-O to run them when they can just
keep using Docker instead? This is why I would suggest using a more vendor
neutral, "Containerfile" and "container-compose.yml" vernacular instead.
After all, Podman and even Docker do not build "Docker images". They build
OCI container images. Hence, it does not make much sense to keep using
"Dockerfile" or "docker-compose.yml" files.
However, since I opened this issue, I have been thinking that while this
would be a relatively easy code change to get Podman/Buildah to recognize
the presence of "Containerfile" inside a repo and build it, this is far
more of a cultural shift more than anything else. I think that if the
community decides to go this direction, it would be helpful for Podman and
other OCI projects to evangelize and promote a new standard for setting up
the general instruction file to build and ship open container images.
I am open to thoughts and feedback regarding this. I'm wondering if using
a standard like this while great for Podman/Buildah to adopt is more of an
open container initiative community discussion as well? I'm curious about
what the Podman community thinks?
Thank you for your time. I'm excited to meet and interact with everyone
in the community.
*Aric A. Renzo*
5 years, 6 months
process change to releases and fedora packaging
by Brent Baude
Hi Folks,
We wanted to make the wider podman audience aware of a small change we
are making for podman releases starting with 1.6. Prior to each
release, we will be tagging a release.rc1 (release candidate). The
idea here is we want to allow for some of our sister teams to be able
to test a release prior to cutting it.
These release candidates will be automatically built in Fedora rawhide
and the previous two Fedora versions (generally). However, no bodhi
will be created for the rc's; they are reserved for actual releases.
We are hoping this helps us improve our releases and make our process
5 years, 6 months
Docker substitution and file permissions
by Josh Berkus
The following works in docker:
docker run -p 4000:4000 -v $(pwd):/srv/jekyll:Z jekyll/jekyll:pages
jekyll serve &
... but in podman:
podman run -p 4000:4000 -v $(pwd):/srv/jekyll:Z jekyll/jekyll:pages
jekyll serve &
jekyll 3.8.5 | Error: Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir - /srv/jekyll/_site
pwd is a directory owned by me, and I'm running podman as me. What's
missing here?
Josh Berkus
Kubernetes Community
Red Hat OSAS
5 years, 6 months