Hi All,
I realize this is short notice, but we've just setup a Lunch and
Learn session for tomorrow, Thursday May 5, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. (noon)
EDT (UTC-5). Derek Parker will be giving the Podman maintainers at Red
Hat a tutorial on using the Golang Debugger with Red Hat. We're happy
to announce that we're able to open the session up to anyone else that
would like to join in.
We'll be meeting in Google Meet and the room is here:
1608958689792(a)gmeet.redhat.com <sip:1608958689792@gmeet.redhat.com>
We will be recording the session, so if you can 't attend, the
recording will be available later on our YouTube channel
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk8PKFfMXESWNXgGG5U_F_w) for your
viewing pleasure.
Hope to see you there!