Hi All,
trying to do the following, but it won't work neither on fedora nor EL7
$ cat /etc/fedora-release
Fedora release 30 (Thirty)
$ podman version
Version: 1.6.2
RemoteAPI Version: 1
Go Version: go1.12.10
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
$ id -u
$ id -g
$ mkdir /tmp/foo/bar -p
$ chmod 0750 /tmp/foo /tmp/foo/bar
$ echo hello > /tmp/foo/bar/msg
$ podman run -it --userns=keep-id -v \
/tmp/foo/bar:/data:rw,Z fedora:31 cat /data/msg
-> this works
$ sudo chown root /tmp/foo
$ ls -anl /tmp/foo
total 0
drwxr-x---. 3 0 1000 60 5. Nov 23:29 .
drwxrwxrwt. 30 0 0 2420 5. Nov 23:34 ..
drwxr-x---. 2 1000 1000 60 5. Nov 23:30 bar
$ podman run -it --userns=keep-id -v \
/tmp/foo/bar:/data:rw,Z fedora:31 cat /data/msg
Error: time="2019-11-05T23:35:13+01:00" level=warning msg="exit status
time="2019-11-05T23:35:13+01:00" level=error
msg="container_linux.go:346: starting container process caused
\"process_linux.go:449: container init caused \\\"rootfs_linux.go:58:
mounting \\\\\\\"/tmp/foo/bar\\\\\\\" to rootfs
at \\\\\\\"/data\\\\\\\" caused \\\\\\\"stat /tmp/foo/bar: permission
container_linux.go:346: starting container process caused
"process_linux.go:449: container init caused \"rootfs_linux.go:58:
mounting \\\"/tmp/foo/bar\\\" to rootfs
at \\\"/data\\\" caused \\\"stat /tmp/foo/bar: permission
OCI runtime permission denied error
-> this fails somehow, although my user has rights in that path.
$ sudo chmod 0755 /tmp/foo
$ ls -anl /tmp/foo
total 0
drwxr-xr-x. 3 0 1000 60 5. Nov 23:29 .
drwxrwxrwt. 30 0 0 2420 5. Nov 23:35 ..
drwxr-x---. 2 1000 1000 60 5. Nov 23:30 bar
$ podman run -it --userns=keep-id -v \
/tmp/foo/bar:/data:rw,Z fedora:31 cat /data/msg
So whenever a directory in the path to the volume that should go into my
container is not browseable by my uid (although my group can!) I cannot
mount it as a volume.
debug logs won't give any further info.
Why do I want to do that?
I have userdirectories that are purely used as chroots for SFTP through
sshd. Thus they *must* be root owned, but group readable/listable, so
the root of the chroot can't be overwritten. See sshd_config for more
Now I'd like to run containers as the particular user, operating on some
directories within that chroot path.
By default these chroot-directories are setup with 0750 and thus failing
in my case.
While 0755 might still be an option/workaround, I am wondering what the
reason for that requirement is?
It looks like a bug to me. Shall I open an issue, but where?