Please open an issue on
github.com/containers/podman with a
reproducer. You may be hitting some form of
https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/17063 but I'd need more
data to be sure.
I think it not related:
In any case there is an additional issue that githubs `ubuntu:latest` runner seems to
include an older `podman` version. So all bets seem to be off there. And I don't see a
proper action to run containers in the workflow. Everything I find is about running
services for the whole duration or run a command and exit.
While I want to cycle test a few built containers.
I found a workaround though - to run containers with the particular platform tags (e.g.
`quay.io/3scale/searchd:branchlinuxarm64`) and *NOT* specify `--platform`. Seems to be
working. But I've hit another issue - that a mapped port from the service container is
not accessible by another container at the expected hostname `host.containers.internal`.
Although such mapped port is accessible from the host.
So now I'm trying to use `podman pod create -n mypod` and then run all containers in
the same pod so they see each other on `localhost`.
I think that github workflows use case needs some good love from the podman team. It's
very painful to use them. Including lack of `--jobs` option for the buildah step
Thank you.