Hi list,
First off, my apologies to all users for shipping a bad podman update in the
yum repos.
What Happened
Few days ago, podman v3.2.0-rc1 mistakenly got pushed to the stable updates
repositories on Fedora 33 and 34.
Why It Happened
The packaging automation for container tools regularly tries to push any
bodhi updates in testing state to stable.
While I had already disabled autokarma for any bodhi update containing an RC build, I
forgot to disallow `request push to stable` for any bodhi containing an RC build via
the automation. Also, there were no gating test failures for said bodhi updates so the
pushes completed without complaints.
Current Resolution
Since a stable podman v3.2.0 is still quite a few days away,
I have reverted podman rpm to v3.1.2 with an Epoch bump 2 -> 3. Bodhi updates for
those can be found here:
Fedora 33:
Fedora 34:
Future Steps
I have added a check in the packaging automation to block any RC builds from
being pushed to stable, so this issue should never occur again.
If anybody is interested, the automation script can be found here:
Next month, I plan to work on moving the packaging automation into Podman upstream with
Packit integration (
https://packit.dev/) which should provide further improvements in
Thanks and apologies once again.
IRC, GitHub: lsm5