st 6. 12. 2023 v 15:08 odesílatel Daniel Walsh <dwalsh(a)> napsal:
On 12/5/23 07:16, Михаил Иванов wrote:
I'm trying to set up a token authentication for docker registry and using
podman login to test it. As per description podman should receive
'401 Unauthorized' error and headers in the reply should contain
'Www-Authenticate:' entry. As far as I understand, podman should then
automatically try to access url, specified in this entry to get the token.
But it just terminates with 401 error. I verified registry access with curl
and I see, that Www-Authenticate is present.
Should podman actually request the token automatically or do I misunderstand this?
I don’t know, please provide the full HTTP request/response dumps, and
--log-level=debug logs.
At the very least, note that the initial /v2/ “API presence check” request
must fail with a 401, not just individual accesses to specific data.