Hi guys
I get this, with I think is really weird and I hope somebody
could shed more light on it.
-> $ podman container restart wordpress.test.bits
Error: crun: error stat'ing file `/dev/bus/usb/001/003`: No
such file or directory: OCI runtime attempted to invoke a
command that was not found
There is only one USB I can guess is in play - an USB NIC
but it has nothing to do with podman container nor its networks.
But I also get this (different host from above):
-> $ podman container restart wordpress.test.bits
Error: crun: error stat'ing file `/dev/fb0`: No such file or
directory: OCI runtime attempted to invoke a command that
was not found
What is podman/crun doing there & why?
v 4.0.3
many thanks, L.