On 7/8/22 20:32, Loren Amelang wrote:
Exited (139)
I'm not an expert, but this seems like a significant clue. Every single
one of your httpd containers exits like this. I think something's
wrong/broken with the image itself.
Try something simpler, like running a simple busybox or alpine image,
with port redirects. You can easily do client/server debugging
interactively using nc (or netcat or ncat, whichever is available).
Point is, see if you can get communication flowing across a redirected
port in a very simple setup first. If this works, then it suggests the
problem is inside the httpd image (or your usage of it).
Chris Evich (he/him), RHCA III
Senior Quality Assurance Engineer
My personal robot overlord told me to include this signature line.