On mac, I can simply press the Compose hint on the status bar for Podman Desktop and it
sets up docker-compose.
On Linux, however, when I press the hint, I get the following error:
"Please add the compose wrapper bin folder to your PATH environment variable. Value
is /home/mehdi/.local/share/containers/podman-desktop/extensions-storage/compose/bin. The
will setup for you the DOCKER_HOST environment variable."
I tried adding the mentioned value to the PATH in ~/.bash_profile and logging out and
logging in, but it does not work. I always get the same error.
Looks like I can directly run
up" to start a compose project, which is interesting.
Or, I might be able to go the manual way (as before) of setting DOCKER_HOST to point to
the Podman socket, but why doesn't the Podman Desktop way not work?
Am I doing something wrong?