Hello podman
I recently came across a message on the kubernetes discourse here
and I thought it would make sense to chime in here
in essence in that post we share our surprise to see so little reference to podman in the
k8s documentation
as a first step imho it would drastically help to at least know what combinations of
fedora/k8s/cri-o are expected to work properly
on my side I’ve just started playing with this combo:
* plain fedora33
* with its vanilla podman 3.1.2
* cri-o 1.20 - through
dnf module enable cri-o:1.20
dnf install cri-o
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable crio —now
* and minikube for now, that I trigger using this
minikube start --driver=podman --container-runtime=cri-o
which kind-of works, but this is very early stage, and I’m facing a few glitches so I’d
really like to find a place where I can share my findings
so, a rather open question as you can see :)
any insight, either general or specific, or pointer to a doc that we would have
overlooked, or clue on the right place to discuss all this, would be very much
— thanks !