The Fedora version of the package drops configuration files into
/usr/lib/binfmt.d/ for each emulator in the package, and systemd's
systemd-binfmt.service uses the information they contain to configure
the kernel's binfmt_misc module to invoke the right interpreter for the
binaries that they can handle, usually at boot-time.
That registration is also triggered when the package is installed.
Those config files are generated by a script that's part of the qemu
source tree [1], and it can configure /proc directly if that's closer to
what you need.
Okay, this was quite helpful, figured out the binfmt error. Void Linux
has a similar service to the systemd-binfmt.service, which is in a
package that's not depended upon by qemu-user-static. Installed that
package and reconfigured qemu-user-static, now I don't get binfmt
related errors anymore. That doesn't mean that buildah is happy though:
➤ buildah bud --pull --manifest test --platform linux/arm64 .
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 595b0fe564bb done
Copying config 3fcaaf3dc9 done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
STEP 2: RUN arch
standard_init_linux.go:219: exec user process caused: no such file or
error building at STEP "RUN arch": error while running runtime: exit
status 1
ERRO exit status 1
That's still not super helpful, not sure how to continue here. I'll try
this again in a VM tomorrow, on a Fedora machine or a Debian machine, if
that works out I'll go bother the Void people instead.
Thanks for all the help so far, learned a lot today :)