Hey Christoffer,

Pods were created for the use case you have in mind. By default, they should share a net namespace and be able to speak over localhost.

What is the output of:
podman run -d --pod new:mypod nginx
podman run --pod mypod fedora-minimal curl localhost:80
This should successfully curl the nginx's default html. If it fails, there's something else going on here...


On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 1:23 PM Christoffer Reijer <ephracis@gmail.com> wrote:
I also tried to access it on localhost which is how a pod works on kubernetes. But I don't run Kubernetes on this host so I'm not entirely sure how the "pod" philosophy works in this case when using podman.

I just want to create 2 containers on the same host using podman and having container A access a service on container B. Please help me, I do not want to resort to installing docker on RHEL 8 just because of something as trivial as this. :(
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