Thanks for reaching out!

On Tue, Mar 8, 2022 at 7:02 PM lejeczek via Podman <> wrote:
Hi guys

Various "howtos" on the net rarely mention SSL and I get -
after such repo deployment - 'pull' complaining about HTTP,
until I added certs.
Question - perhaps it's not allowed by recent 'podman'
versions to have insecure repo?

my 'registries.conf':

registries = ["mine.private:5000",
"", "",
"", "", ""]

registries = ['mine.private:5000']

Do I understand the issue correctly that you have a local registry running on `mine.private:5000` and pulling from it gives you an error?

If that's the case, I recommend checking the output of `podman info` and see whether the registries are listed correctly.  Everything is still supported by Podman.

Kind regards,