Your best bet would be to file an issue at . The documentation does not mention anything about a -1 having a specific mean.  And the uint is used right away as the StopOption type for Timeout.

On Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 7:44 AM Manvendra Bhangui <> wrote:

I have a container where I have my own program as init replacement. It takes the responsibility of shutting down all my services properly (one of them being MySQL). Sometimes some services need more than the default 10 seconds that podman stop command has before it resorts to SIGKILL.

So while playing with various timeout, I get a strange result with I use -1 (supposed to be for infinite wait). Giving -1 results in immediate SIGKILL

$ podman stop -t -1 indimail-mta
WARN[0000] StopSignal SIGTERM failed to stop container indimail-mta in 18446744073709551615 seconds, resorting to SIGKILL

Looks like unsigned 64 bit integer has been used for something which can have negative value

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