On 1/23/20 6:21 PM, Sebastiaan wrote:
Hi there,
I'm fairly new to Podman so apologies if my question seems simple, but seem to be experiencing some odd behavior with Mysql and no amount of googling has yielded answers.

I'm using Podman 1.70 on Fedora 31.

If i create a container using the following command:

podman run -dt --name mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<password> mysql

it creates a running container without a problem. If i perform an inspection I can also see that the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD environment variable is set correctly.

Logging into the container is another story.

If I try to do: podman exec -it mysql mysql -u root -p

I get a login prompt, but entering my password results in
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
Error: non zero exit code: 1: OCI runtime error

However, if I do:

podman exec -it mysql bash

and get into a bash prompt inside the container, and then do: mysql -u root -p    ( i.e. effectively the exact same command )

I am able to login with the exact same password.

It seems when I try to use podman exec to go straight to the mysql commandline, it is garbling or mangling my password. Could it be something locale or charmap related? Or is it a bug?
Same issue if I try to connect using PHPMyadmin, adminer, wordpress etc - it just won't let me login using my password ( which I know does work ).

Any tips on how I could get this to work? Surely people have successfully managed to get mysql working with podman?

We have been having some issues with podman exec and conmon, which has been fixed in the upstream.


If you could try out the master branch this might already be fixed.

Kind Regards

Sebastiaan Stoffels

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