Hi Everyone,

We are excited to announce that the 6th annual DevConf.US CfP[1] is currently open! Head to DevConf.US[2] to submit your talks, workshops, and discussion abstracts, along with meet-ups, BoF's, community booth proposals and really, anything else you are excited to share with the community! Checkout the website[2] for more details and topics that we are looking for this year.

The conference will be held from August 14th to 16th 2024 at Boston University in Boston, MA. We can’t wait to see you there!

Note: The deadline for submissions is April 8, 2024.

Help us get the word out on social media:

Please send questions, comments, and concerns to info@devconf.us.

Looking forward to all your awesome proposals!

Best regards,

The DevConf.US Crew

@DevConf_US #definefuture

[1]: https://pretalx.com/devconf-us-2024/cfp 

[2]: http://devconf.us