On 5/26/21 10:04, Muayyad AlSadi wrote:
> Podman is not meant to run K8s.  Podman targets single-node machines and focuses on servers and developer machines. 

so is minikube!
minikube uses docker or virtual machines to launch kubernetes daemons on a single-node

so I think minikube should support podman

maybe the subject is misleading but the use case is valid
it should be "podman and minikube"

I think people have wired this up in the past.  I also believe mini-kube will work with CRI-O.

On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 1:54 PM Valentin Rothberg <rothberg@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Thierry,

Thanks for reaching out.

On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 12:24 PM Thierry Parmentelat <thierry.parmentelat@inria.fr> wrote:
Hello podman

I recently came across a message on the kubernetes discourse here


and I thought it would make sense to chime in here

in essence in that post we share our surprise to see so little reference to podman in the k8s documentation

Podman is not meant to run K8s.  Podman targets single-node machines and focuses on servers and developer machines.  It does not implement Container Runtime Interface (CRI) that K8s uses to communicate with the container runtime.  CRI-O is dedicated to exactly that use-case.

However, Podman allows running K8s yaml via the `podman-play-kube` command.  The idea behind is to easily run and test K8s yaml without the need of an entire cluster.  That can come in handy for development but it's also a portable bridge from a single-node environment or a workstation to an orchestrated environment such as K8s.  Yaml files can further be generated via `podman-generate-kube`.

Brent wrote a great blog on that topic:

as a first step imho it would drastically help to at least know what combinations of fedora/k8s/cri-o are expected to work properly

CRI-O's versioning follows the K8s versioning scheme.  For instance, CRI-O 1.20 should run with K8s 1.20.
on my side I’ve just started playing with this combo:

* plain fedora33
* with its vanilla podman 3.1.2
* cri-o 1.20 - through

    dnf module enable cri-o:1.20
    dnf install cri-o
    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl enable crio —now

* and minikube for now, that I trigger using this

    minikube start --driver=podman --container-runtime=cri-o

which kind-of works, but this is very early stage, and I’m facing a few glitches so I’d really like to find a place where I can share my findings

so, a rather open question as you can see :)
any insight, either general or specific, or pointer to a doc that we would have overlooked, or clue on the right place to discuss all this, would be very much appreciated

Can you elaborate on the issues you face?

If you see specific bugs, opening an issue upstream would be great.  For questions, the mailing list works well, GitHub issues or the #podman channel on Freenode IRC (and Libera Chat).

Kind regards,
— thanks !
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