
I want to just double check something basic.   You understand the dhcp service for podman is just an advanced dhcp proxy server.  It does not generate the leases and pass them to the containers.  There needs to be a dhcp server on the network you are connecting the macvlan to.  Are we on the same page?

On Tue, Mar 8, 2022 at 2:51 PM <> wrote:


Other than running status against io.podman.service.dhcp.service and io.podman.sevice.dhcp.socket, how can I tell the DHCP server for containers is working?  Is there a way to test from the container as its trying to run?





Chris Miller

Altron INC.




From: Paul Holzinger <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 7:52 AM
To: Brent Baude <>
Cc: Miller, Christopher (NE) <>;
Subject: Re: [Podman] Re: DHCP lease from physical network not working for container - network is down error


External E-mail --- CAUTION: This email originated from outside GDMS. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.


From your logs:

Mar 07 15:17:58 computer_a dhcp[49378]: 2022/03/07 15:17:58 no DHCP packet received within 10s

Mar 07 15:17:58 computer_a dhcp[49378]: 2022/03/07 15:17:58 retrying in 64.627280 seconds


It looks like your system cannot get a dhcp lease.  Did you confirm that your dhcp server is working and the system can reach it?


On Tue, Mar 8, 2022 at 12:22 AM Brent Baude <> wrote:

Here would be my approach.  I would stop the dhcp service. Then I would start it manually in a terminal so I could watch it.  Then run your container with podman --log-level=debug and grab that output.


If that does not reveal the problem, then I would start looking at things like typos for the ethernet interface, selinux, firewalld, kernel modules are loaded, etc...




On Mon, Mar 7, 2022 at 4:02 PM <> wrote:


We’re trying to pilot Prometheus services as a container in our enclave (along with the node exporter and Grafana). 


This is with podman 3.4.2 on RHEL 8.1.  I’m using the following URL as a reference to try and setup DHCP services from the physical network for the Prometheus container.  We are doing it this way so anyone on the network with a web browser can reach the UI.


I setup a .conflist file under /etc/cni/net.d created the following file:


91-prometheus.conflist (just gave it a generic name, wasn’t sure if there was a naming convention)  ç================================




                "cniVersion": "0.4.0",

               "name": "prod_network",  (name of prod_network)   ç============================

                "plugins": [


                                                "type": "macvlan",

                                                "master": "eno1",

                                                "ipam": {

                                                                "type": "dhcp"







I enable and started the following .socket file


[user_a@computer_a net.d]$ sudo systemctl list-unit-files --type=socket | grep -i "podman"

io.podman.dhcp.socket           enabled


[user_a@computer_a net.d]$ sudo systemctl status io.podman.dhcp.socket

● io.podman.dhcp.socket - DHCP Client for CNI

   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/io.podman.dhcp.socket; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)

   Active: active (running) since Fri 2022-02-25 13:41:44 EST; 1 weeks 3 days ago

   Listen: /run/cni/dhcp.sock (Stream)

   CGroup: /system.slice/io.podman.dhcp.socket



Feb 25 13:41:44 computer_a systemd[1]: Listening on DHCP Client for CNI.

[user_a@computer_a net.d]$ sudo systemctl is-enabled io.podman.dhcp.socket




[user_a@computer_a net.d]$ sudo systemctl status io.podman.dhcp.service

● io.podman.dhcp.service - DHCP Client CNI Service

   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/io.podman.dhcp.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)

   Active: active (running) since Mon 2022-03-07 15:11:45 EST; 1h 35min ago

Main PID: 49378 (dhcp)

    Tasks: 7 (limit: 45874)

   Memory: 9.1M

   CGroup: /system.slice/io.podman.dhcp.service

           └─49378 /usr/libexec/cni/dhcp daemon


Mar 07 15:16:19 computer_a dhcp[49378]: 2022/03/07 15:16:19 network is down

Mar 07 15:16:19 computer_a dhcp[49378]: 2022/03/07 15:16:19 retrying in 3.131274 seconds

Mar 07 15:16:32 computer_a dhcp[49378]: 2022/03/07 15:16:32 no DHCP packet received within 10s

Mar 07 15:16:32 computer_a dhcp[49378]: 2022/03/07 15:16:32 retrying in 7.313039 seconds

Mar 07 15:16:49 computer_a dhcp[49378]: 2022/03/07 15:16:49 no DHCP packet received within 10s

Mar 07 15:16:49 computer_a dhcp[49378]: 2022/03/07 15:16:49 retrying in 15.601824 seconds

Mar 07 15:17:15 computer_a dhcp[49378]: 2022/03/07 15:17:15 no DHCP packet received within 10s

Mar 07 15:17:15 computer_a dhcp[49378]: 2022/03/07 15:17:15 retrying in 32.030425 seconds

Mar 07 15:17:58 computer_a dhcp[49378]: 2022/03/07 15:17:58 no DHCP packet received within 10s

Mar 07 15:17:58 computer_a dhcp[49378]: 2022/03/07 15:17:58 retrying in 64.627280 seconds



[user_a@computer_a net.d]$ sudo systemctl is-enabled io.podman.dhcp.service




[user_a@computer_a net.d]$ sudo podman run -dit --name tcs_prometheus --net=prod_network -p 9090:9090 --privileged -v /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml

ERRO[0164] error loading cached network config: network "prod_network" not found in CNI cache

WARN[0164] falling back to loading from existing plugins on disk



The container never runs, just shows started status and then outputs the ERRO and WARN.  Since it doesn’t run, can’t look at the logs for it. 


Where is the best place to start to troubleshoot this?  As I followed the directions from the article step-by-step. 


Also is there a better way to present a container to our prod network that is running local on my RHEL workstation?





Chris Miller

Altron INC.






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