Thank you Jason. I haven't tried your solution yet but I think it will work.

Daniel, I just found that git repository for the project at So, I will open an issue there and let you know once it's done.

On Wednesday, November 2, 2022 at 04:30:44 PM GMT+3:30, Daniel Walsh <> wrote:

On 11/2/22 01:50, Jason Greene wrote:
On Oct 31, 2022 at 9:28:39 AM, Daniel Walsh <> wrote:
On 10/30/22 06:07, Mehdi Haghgoo via Podman wrote:
I want to use Eclipse with Podman backend on Windows. I have Podman Desktop installed and the podman context is:

Name                         URI                                                          Identity                                    Default
podman-machine-default       ssh://user@localhost:64926/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock  C:\Users\me\.ssh\podman-machine-default  true
podman-machine-default-root  ssh://root@localhost:64926/run/podman/podman.sock            C:\Users\me\.ssh\podman-machine-default  false

Eclipse's Docker tooling has a setting for Container engine like the following:

Inline                         image

It takes either a unix socket or a TCP connection, but none of them accept the value specified by Podman URI like ssh://user@localhost:64926/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock.

Is there a workaround I can connect Eclipse to Podman engine on Windows?

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Jason any ideas?

Most API clients on Windows use Named Pipes, since that is the default DOCKER_HOST value on Windows with Docker. Unfortunately it looks like the Docker Tools plugin for Eclipse does not expose this capabilty, even though the underlying client library its using appears to support it. Further, their support for Unix sockets appears broken. While the best solution is a fix to the Eclipse plugin, you can work around this by running the following after starting podman machine (change the port to whatever value you want):

podman machine ssh -- "-L5555:/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock" -N

(this will run until aborted)

You then can specify tcp://localhost:5555 (replace port to whatever you specified on the ssh comment)

Hope this helps!


Can someone open an issue witht he Eclipse plugin people?

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