HI All,

    The recording for the Podman Community Meeting is now available at:  https://bluejeans.com/s/Qq_IsjrnOaG.  The talks included the progress of IPV6 in Podman, a demo of the WIP Podman Python Client, and a talk and Demo on "Running Docker, Podman, and even Kubernetes inside rootless Podman containers" by Cesar Talledo of Nestybox.  In addition, you might find a reference or two to Star Wars being it was recorded on May the Fourth.

    I'll get the meeting notes posted to the podman.io website within the week and hope to see you at the next meeting on June 1, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern (UTC-4)


ps. Please remember that if Darth Vader had cooked meals for a living, he'd be Darth Caterer....