
My understanding is that GitHub offers "GitHub-hosted" where
GitHub (the company) provides the hardware and software for runners on these platforms:

These platforms are Ubuntu, macOS, Windows.  RHEL is not in that list.

However, GitHub also offers "self-hosted" runners, where the user provides the hardware for the runner.
The supported platforms for "self-hosted" runners are:

RHEL and Centos are in that list.

In terms of the GitHub Actions, for running podman, my opinion is that it would be
ideal if these Actions could:

1.  Work well on "GitHub-hosted" or "self-hosted" runners on Ubuntu, RHEL, or Centos
2.  Be well documented, with docs that show up quickly via web search, and are as good as the docs from GitHub/Docker:

A few of the "stretch" goals that you mentioned:

1.  Actions should move from to and be maintained by the community.
     I see value in that, since it would be nice to have an active community-maintained Actions.  However, if these actions
     remain where they are and don't move for a while, that's probably OK.

2.  "GitHub-hosted" runners should offer RHEL alongside Ubuntu.  That would probably involve a longer discussion between
     GitHub and Red Hat.  I see value in this, but this is not important to me since I am not using RHEL at the moment.
     However, since RHEL is supported for "self-hosted" runners, the priority to move forward on this might be 

On Fri, May 27, 2022 at 5:53 AM Scott McCarty <> wrote:

1. Get rid of repos in Red Hat repo (but, I don't want to remove them if that would break people)
2. Have upstream GitHub Actions in the /containers repos (support Ubuntu runners today, maybe support both RHEL as well someday)
3. Have a downstream, productized Actions code which uses RHEL exclusively (maybe supports custom UBI runners, RHEL VM runners, and a potential RHEL instance on GitHub in the future). This might live back in the Red Hat repo or somewhere else, I'm not sure.