Hi Jorge,

Rootless podman runs in an extra user+mount namespace. You can join this namespace with the podman unshare command, e.g. podman unshare mount -t overlay. See podman-unshare(1) for more information about this command.


On Mon, Sep 6, 2021 at 5:44 AM Jorge Fábregas <jorge.fabregas@gmail.com> wrote:

Fedora 33 user here. Whenever I run a rootful container I can perform

df -t overlay
mount -t overlay

....in the host and I can clearly see where the root filesystem of the
container is actually mounted (the "merged" one).

Now, with the new native overlay filesystem support for rootless
containers, whenever I run a rootless one I don't see the same behavior
with the mount or df commands (either as regular user or the root user).
In fact, there's no overlay fs shown.  I know it's there because I found
them somewhere hidden in /proc/*/mounts and I also performed the "podman
system reset" that Dan & Giuseppe mentioned in a recent blog post.

There's got to be some explanation like perhaps it's under another
"mount namespace" ...but then why do the overlay entries appear in the
host when rootful containers are running?

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