Sorry Levis, but without --user option to nsenter it also dos not work properly.
nsenter does not give an error in this case and report correct msg_max value,
but after container is started msg_max is still 10 inside the container.

Best regards,
On 29.11.2023 23:48, Lewis Gaul wrote:
For the record I made one small mistake - the user namespace should not be entered.

[centos@localhost ~]$ podman create --rm -it --name ctr_foo --ipc private busybox
[centos@localhost ~]$ podman init ctr_foo
[centos@localhost ~]$ ctr_pid=$(podman inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' ctr_foo)
[centos@localhost ~]$ sudo nsenter --target $ctr_pid --ipc sysctl fs.mqueue.msg_max=64
fs.mqueue.msg_max = 64
[centos@localhost ~]$ podman start -a ctr_foo
/ # sysctl fs.mqueue
fs.mqueue.msg_default = 10
fs.mqueue.msg_max = 64
fs.mqueue.msgsize_default = 8192
fs.mqueue.msgsize_max = 8192
fs.mqueue.queues_max = 256

But yes I understand this isn't always going to be a suitable approach, I think the fix needs to be in the kernel (and I'm now unclear whether it has been fixed or not since Giuseppe said in the "mqueue msg_max in rootless container" email thread that nothing has changed in v6.7).


On Wed, 29 Nov 2023 at 19:02, Михаил Иванов <> wrote:
Hallo, thanks for advice!

But sorry, for me it did not work:

  podman create --name ctest --pod test --ipc private --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --init --replace test-image
  podman init test
  podman inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' test
  sudo nsenter --target 2157674 --user --ipc sysctl fs.mqueue.msg_max=64
  sysctl: permission denied on key "fs.mqueue.msg_max"

Anyway, even if it would work, this method would not be appropriate in my case,
since eventually my containers should be run from quadlet (which in turn uses
podman kube play). Shell is used only during development.

Best regards,
On 29.11.2023 18:10, Lewis Gaul wrote:

I think this is the same thing I raised in

This seems to be a kernel limitation - I'm not sure where the mqueue limits come from when creating a new IPC namespace, but it doesn't inherit the limits from the parent namespace and the root user within the user namespace does not have permissions to modify the limits. This was supposedly fixed in a recent kernel version although I haven't tested it.

The workaround I'm currently using (requiring sudo permissions) is along the lines of:
podman create --ipc private --name ctr_foo ...
podman init ctr_foo
ctr_pid=$(podman inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' ctr_foo)
sudo nsenter --target $ctr_pid --user --ipc sysctl fs.mqueue.msg_max=64
podman start ctr_foo

Obviously this isn't ideal, and I'd be open to alternatives...


On Mon, 27 Nov 2023 at 12:23, Daniel Walsh <> wrote:
On 11/27/23 02:04, Михаил Иванов wrote:

For me rootful works:

island:container [master]> cat /proc/sys/fs/mqueue/msg_max

$ podman run alpine ls -ld /proc/sys/fs/mqueue/msg_max
-rw-r--r--    1 nobody   nobody           0 Nov 27 12:10 /proc/sys/fs/mqueue/msg_max

Since it is owned by real root, a rootless user can not write to it.  I guess we could ague this is a bug with the kernel. mqeueu/msg_max should be owned by root of the user namespace as opposed to real root.

## Rootful:
island:container [master]> sudo podman run --sysctl=fs.mqueue.msg_max=64 --rm centos cat /proc/sys/fs/mqueue/msg_max

## Rootless:
island:container [master]> podman run --sysctl=fs.mqueue.msg_max=64 --rm centos cat /proc/sys/fs/mqueue/msg_max
Error: crun: open `/proc/sys/fs/mqueue/msg_max`: Permission denied: OCI permission denied

## What rootless gets by default (changed as compared to host setting!):
island:container [master]> podman run --rm centos cat /proc/sys/fs/mqueue/msg_max

On 25.11.2023 20:17, Daniel Walsh wrote:
On 11/25/23 10:44, Михаил Иванов wrote:
Is it possible to get podman to propagate current host fs.mqueue.msg_max
value to rootless container? I can do that if I specify --ipc host when
running the container, but this also exposes other ipc stuff from host
to container, including shared memory, which I do not want.

If I specify --sysctl fs.mqueue.msg_size=64 to podman it gives me
"OCI permission denied" error, even when my host setting (256) is greater
than requested value.
Micvhael Ivanov

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The way you attempted is correct. Might not be allowed for rootless containers.

I attempted this in a rootful container and it blows up for me.

podman run  --sysctl fs.mqueue.msg_size=64 alpine echo hi
Error: crun: open `/proc/sys/fs/mqueue/msg_size`: No such file or directory: OCI runtime attempted to invoke a command that was not found

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