On 9/12/24 15:59, Larry Cai wrote:

I have podman-remote / podman server deployment inside one kubernetes, podman build works, but when I execute podman run, it reports error

Any suggestions for the direction?

Did you read https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/podman-inside-kubernetes??
jovyan@workenv-0:~$ podman version
Client:       Podman Engine
Version:      5.2.2
API Version:  5.2.2
Go Version:   go1.23.0
Git Commit:   fcee48106a12dd531702d729d17f40f6e152027f
Built:        Wed Aug 21 20:01:29 2024
OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

Server:       Podman Engine
Version:      4.9.4-rhel
API Version:  4.9.4-rhel
Go Version:   go1.21.11 (Red Hat 1.21.11-1.el9_4)
Built:        Mon Jul  1 10:27:14 2024
OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
jovyan@workenv-0:~$ podman run --log-level debug hello-world
INFO[0000] podman filtering at log level debug          
DEBU[0000] Called run.PersistentPreRunE(podman run --log-level debug hello-world)
DEBU[0000] DoRequest Method: GET URI: http://d/v5.2.2/libpod/_ping
DEBU[0000] Loading registries configuration "/etc/containers/registries.conf"
DEBU[0000] DoRequest Method: POST URI: http://d/v5.2.2/libpod/images/pull
DEBU[0000] DoRequest Method: GET URI: http://d/v5.2.2/libpod/images/hello-world/json
DEBU[0000] DoRequest Method: POST URI: http://d/v5.2.2/libpod/containers/create
DEBU[0000] Enabling signal proxying                    
DEBU[0000] Enabling signal proxying                    
DEBU[0000] DoRequest Method: GET URI: http://d/v5.2.2/libpod/containers/015c01ec8bf0ec94ce7a7864b3dfdcf1c9963651d57d8b4f1fc13f4781cac0d1/json
DEBU[0000] DoRequest Method: POST URI: http://d/v5.2.2/libpod/containers/015c01ec8bf0ec94ce7a7864b3dfdcf1c9963651d57d8b4f1fc13f4781cac0d1/attach
DEBU[0000] ExitCode msg: "unmarshalling error into &errorhandling.errormodel{because:\"\", message:\"\", responsecode:0}, data \"\": unexpected end of json input"
Error: unmarshalling error into &errorhandling.ErrorModel{Because:"", Message:"", ResponseCode:0}, data "": unexpected end of JSON input
DEBU[0000] Shutting down engines                        

* podman server is based on ubi9/podman with start script for "podman system service --time=0 tcp:[::]:12375"
* downgrade podman client to 4.9.9 doesn't give any help

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