Hi Mehdi,

There are no official Podman binaries or packages provided by upstream for Android.  But as you've mentioned: Android is based on Linux, so it should be technically possible to run Podman there.

Happy hacking and kind regards,

On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 12:45 AM Mehdi Haghgoo via Podman <podman@lists.podman.io> wrote:
Hey all,

I have recently been interested in running as much of my software tools on Android as possible. I already find lots of packages installable on Termux app (via its package manager "pkg"). 

Being able to run containerized apps seems very tempting to me. 
I wonder if Podman has Arm binaries for Android. Is it possible for Podman to run on Android? Android is Linux after all, and Podman can run rootless. Am I missing something here?

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