Hi all,

I got a bit on an issue trying to spin up a container with a volume mounted to the container's /data directory. Got a related issue here but I believe I'm just missing out on something Podman specific

When I run this command and mount /bw-data to container's /data the bitwardenrs image can't write to it.
podman run -d --user 1001 --name bitwarden -e [ROCKET_PORT=8080,ENABLE_DB_WAL=false] -v /home/spytec/Bitwarden/bw-data/:/data/ -p 8080:8080 bitwardenrs/server:latest

Inside the container the /data directory is assigned to root, outside the container /bw-data has 0777 permissions and belong to myself (user 1001).

Am I missing something?


Eric Gustavsson

Associate Software Engineer

Red Hat