On 2/2/21 18:19, Matt Heon wrote:
On 2021-02-02 23:49, Erik Sjölund wrote:
I was reading Twitter and saw a link to a new CVE:
It's related to Podman. I just wanted to mention it if you didn't know.
(Maybe this old news?)
Erik Sjölund

This issue will be addressed in the upcoming Podman 3.0 release. In
the mean time, Podman 2.1.0 and up can work around the issue by
forcing the use of the slirp4netns port forwarder by using the
`--net=slirp4netns:port_handler=slirp4netns` option to `podman run`
and `podman create`.

Matt Heon

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Or just don't use images that trust connections coming from localhost.