On Fri, Sep 22, 2023 at 9:01 PM Rahaman, Ronald O <rrahaman6@gatech.edu> wrote:

Hi all,


Can you confirm that, in rootless, users cannot override /etc/containers/registries.conf with ~/.config/containers/registries.conf ?  We’d like to be able to whitelist registries for our site. 

Yes, users can override system configurations in their home directory.  As outlined in the man pages [1], the config in the home directory will be loaded _instead_ of the system configuration in /etc.  That means it will override and not add to the system configuration.

Kind regards,

[1] https://github.com/containers/image/blob/main/docs/containers-registries.conf.5.md

As an example, suppose I have this in /etc/containers/registries.conf.  The intent is to blacklist all of docker.io; and whitelilst docker.io/ubuntu.  I’ve found it works as intended. 










I want to confirm that a user can’t whitelist additional registries in ~/.config/containers/registries.conf with something like






I’ve tested this myself, and it seems  like users can’t override.  But I’d like to be 100% sure. 






Ron Rahaman

Research Scientist II, Research Software Engineer

Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment (PACE)

Georgia Institute of Technology

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