
Podman Desktop 1.17 is now available! Click here to download it!

This release brings exciting new features and improvements:

  • New running workflow 🛠️: Start containers from images in just a few steps.
  • Registry mirror configuration 🔄: Simplify registry mirroring setup with a dedicated command.
  • Smoother kind cluster experience ☁️: Spin up a Kubernetes cluster effortlessly, even without a pre-installed kind binary.
  • Podman 5.4 🚀: Upgrade to the latest Podman engine for enhanced performance and features.
  • Pods, redefined 📦: Clear separation between Podman pods and Kubernetes pods for better usability.
  • Kubernetes experimental mode ⚡: Change the way on how the resources are collected and monitored.

See the full release note on our website!

Release Details 🔍

This release brings exciting enhancements, making container management smoother than a seal gliding through the waves. Let's dive in!

Starting a container from scratch

Ever wanted to start a container effortlessly? Now, just enter the image (local or remote), select it from a dropdown, and with a single click, you'll get the perfect startup prompt. In no time, your container is swimming happily in its new environment!

Starting a container from scratch

Mirroring of Registries – No More Fishy Workarounds

When creating a Podman machine from Podman Desktop, we now include a playbook that mounts the host’s registries.conf into the VM at /etc/containers/registries.conf.d/. To handle this configuration, simply click on 'More Actions' in the Podman machine menu, and you're all set. No more struggling like a seal stuck on an ice floe.

Mirroring of Registries Mirroring of Registries step 2

Podman 5.4

A new version of Podman is here. Check out the full details: Podman 5.4.0 Release Notes.
breaking change: 
As mentioned in the podman 5.4 release notes, support for Mac/Intel is now on a best-effort basis.
Note for 2020 mac/Intel users: There is an open issue where Podman Machine is not booting on certain setups. It is currently under investigation, and you can track the progress here: Issue #25121.
In the meantime, here is a quick workaround if 5.4 is not booting:
podman machine init --image=docker://quay.io/podman/machine-os:5.2

Smoother kind cluster experience

Even if you do not have the kind CLI installed, Podman Desktop will guide you through the process of installing it when creating a Kind cluster, ensuring you can set up your cluster without leaving the workflow. No more diving back to shore for missing tools!

Smoother kind cluster experience

Kubernetes: Pods and CronJobs

Since the last version, we have introduced a dedicated Kubernetes navigation bar. Now, we are making things even clearer:

  • Podman Pods and Kubernetes Pods are now separate.
  • A new Pods entry has been added under the Kubernetes section, ensuring you always know which pods you're working with.
  • The Pods view only displays Podman pods.

This means you can now navigate your Kubernetes resources while staying in the Kubernetes section. No more getting lost at sea!

CronJobs are now available, making them easier to manage than ever before.

Kubernetes: Pods and CronJobs

Kubernetes: new experimental mode

Using this mode, the update of Kubernetes resources is done using health and permission checks. One bonus now is the ability to easily troubleshoot resource status.

Kubernetes: Pods and CronJobs

We would love your feedback! Share your thoughts at GitHub Discussions

See the full release note on our website!

Enjoy !